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Greenstar Wheatgrass Juice Maker

EVLA Organics

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Price: $699.00
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Price: $699.00
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Intorducing the Greenstar Wheatgrass Juice Maker, the ideal gadget for juice lovers and health-conscious people alike! You may take advantage of all the health advantages of this superfood in a delicious and refreshing drink thanks to the powerful juicer's ability to extract the greatest quantity of nutrients from wheat grass.

This wheat grass juicer is ideal for use at home, as well as in juice shops and health cafés, thanks to its sturdy stainless steel construction and user-friendly design. To start experiencing the incredible healing properties of wheat grass in the comfort of your own home, order a wheat grass juice maker right away!

Additionally, we arrange for free equipment maintenance and well-organized personnel training. We provide a large discount and free delivery to any city in Tasmania when you order more than 5 kg each week.